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133-1437 Toro GrandStand Light Kit

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133-1437 GrandStand Light Kit

Maximize your mowing time with Toro lighting options, the 133-1437 genuine Toro Light Kit designed especially for Toro GrandStand mowers. Illuminate your mowing path with this high-intensity, low amperage Toro LED light kit, housed in durable cast aluminum with stainless steel hardware and a lighted switch. Trust in Toro for reliable accessories to light up your mowing experience.


133-1437 GrandStand Light Kit designed to fit he following models.

Product# Description Serial Range
74518 48IN GRANDSTAND - 23HP KOH EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403259999
403260000 - 404314199
404314200 - 999999999

74519 52IN GRANDSTAND - 25HP KOH EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403253174
403253175 - 404314199
404314200 - 999999999

74513 60IN GRANDSTAND - 25HP KOH EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403224658
403224659 - 404314199
404314200 - 999999999

74529 52IN GRANDSTAND ACC - 26.5HP KO EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403294015
403294016 - 404313999
404314000 - 999999999

74523 60IN GRANDSTAND ACC-26.5HP KO EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403294043
403294044 - 404313999
404314000 - 999999999

74504 48IN GRANDSTAND - 22HP KAWI FX 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403253230
403253231 - 404314999
404315000 - 999999999

74505 52IN GRANDSTAND - 22HP KAWI FX 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403281090
403281091 - 404314999
404315000 - 999999999

79504 48IN GRANDSTAND [CARB]-22HP KAWI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403289999
403290000 - 404314999
404315000 - 999999999

79505 52IN GRANDSTAND [CARB]-22HP KAWI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 402884999
402885000 - 404314999
404315000 - 999999999

79518 48IN GRANDSTAND [CARB]-23HP KO EFI 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 403253999
403254000 - 404314199
404314200 - 999999999

74504TE 122CM GS TURBO FORCE, KAW, CE 316000001 - 316999999
400000000 - 404319999
404320000 - 999999999

74527 GRANDSTAND MULTI FORCE - SNOW MACHINE 400000000 - 999999999
74542TE GRANDSTAND 122CM REAR DISCHARGE CE 400000000 - 999999999
72504 GrandStand® 48 in. (122 cm) 22 hp 726cc 400000000 - 407156143
407156144 - 411799999
411800000 - 412999999
414288220 - 414299999
414300000 - 414899999
414900000 - 415399999
415400000 - 999999999

72505 GrandStand® 52 in. (132 cm) 22 hp 726cc 400000000 - 407139565
407139566 - 411799999
411800000 - 412999999
414288320 - 414555440
414555441 - 415045420
415045421 - 415399999
415400000 - 999999999

71504 GrandStand® 48 in. (122 cm) 22 hp 726 cc (California Model) 400000000 - 406642952
406642953 - 409999999
410000000 - 412799999
414300000 - 415337999

71505 GrandStand® 52 in. (132 cm) 22 hp 726 cc (California Model) 400000000 - 409999999
410000000 - 412656246
412656247 - 412999999

72513 GrandStand® 60 in. (152 cm) 25 hp 747cc EFI 400000000 - 407087931
407087932 - 411599999
411600000 - 412999999
414348675 - 414508047
414508048 - 415099999
415100000 - 415380499
415380500 - 416554733
416554734 - 416799999
416800000 - 999999999

72519 GrandStand® 52 in. (132 cm) 25 hp 747cc EFI 400000000 - 407087879
407087880 - 411699999
411700000 - 412799999
414348545 - 415399999
412800000 - 414265248
414265249 - 414348544
415400000 - 416599999
416600000 - 416999999

72518 GrandStand® 48 in. (122 cm) 23 hp 747cc EFI (California Model) 400000000 - 406540519
406540520 - 411699999
411700000 - 412899999
412900000 - 414699999
414700000 - 415399999
415400000 - 416599999
416600000 - 416999999

72504TE GrandStand® 122 cm Stand-on Mower 72504TE 400000000 - 406999999
407000000 - 412199999
412200000 - 414299999
414300000 - 414399999
414400000 - 414555999
414556000 - 415199999
415200000 - 999999999

72523 GrandStand® MULTI FORCE 60 in. (152 cm) 26.5 hp 747cc EFI 400000000 - 406990732
406990733 - 411599999
411600000 - 999999999

72529 GrandStand® MULTI FORCE 52 in. (132 cm) 26.5 hp 747cc EFI 400000000 - 407034236
407034237 - 411699999
411700000 - 999999999

72509 GrandStand® 60 in. (152 cm) 23.5 hp 726cc 400000000 - 411673356
411673357 - 412999999
414555531 - 414999999
414169289 - 414555530
415000000 - 415399999
416390000 - 416499999
416500000 - 999999999

72542TE GrandStand® 122 cm Stand-on Mower 72542TE 400000000 - 411799999
411800000 - 412999999
414200000 - 416999999

72524 GrandStand® MULTI FORCE 60 in. (152 cm) 26.5 hp 747 cc EFI 400000000 - 412899999
412900000 - 414157226
414427186 - 414999999
414157227 - 414427185
415000000 - 415399999
415400000 - 416899999
416900000 - 999999999

72530 GrandStand® MULTI FORCE 52 in. (132 cm) 26.5 hp 747 cc EFI 400000000 - 412899999
412900000 - 414348584
414348585 - 414427421
414427422 - 414599999
414962984 - 415299999
415300000 - 416599999
416600000 - 416999999
417000000 - 999999999

72517 GrandStand® HDX 72 in. 37 hp 993 cc EFI with Oil Guard 400000000 - 414499999
414500000 - 416999999
417000000 - 999999999

72520 GrandStand® 60 in. (152 cm) 28 hp 883cc 400000000 - 416227599
416227600 - 416499999
416500000 - 999999999

72506 GrandStand® HDX 52 in. 31 hp 999 cc 414500000 - 416325750
416325751 - 999999999
72510 GrandStand® HDX 60 in. 31 hp 999 cc 414500000 - 416799999
416800000 - 999999999
72514 GrandStand® HDX 60 in. 37 hp 993 cc EFI with Oil Guard 414500000 - 416789999
416790000 - 999999999
72512 GrandStand® 60 in. (152 cm) 35 hp 999cc 400000000 - 416359999
416360000 - 416499999
416500000 - 416799999
416800000 - 999999999

72507 GrandStand® 52 in. (132 cm) 35 hp 999cc 400000000 - 416399999
416400000 - 416599999
416600000 - 416799999
416800000 - 999999999